A young man in a suit, pointing to a neon green chart on a screen behind him.


Immerse yourself in the world of wealth and portfolio management with Oakland’s 学生 Managed Investment Fund. Oakland business students gain real-world experience managing a $2 million portfolio powered by The Kresge Foundation. Connections to professional investment management leaders and participation in global finance conferences and competitions give student portfolio managers a definite edge.

The fund complements Oakland's Managing Investment Funds course which teaches students the essentials of portfolio management, stock selection and portfolio e估值 while exposing them to local career opportunities in investment management.

The course offers a learning experience for students in investment portfolio management. Oakland’s Managing Investment Funds course is held in the business school’s Data Analysis Lab, which is equipped with professional-level financial tools including dual-screen Bloomberg financial terminals and a stock market ticker. 课程座位有限. 注册该课程必须经过批准. 单击金色的课程要求文本以展开要求列表.

  • 主要站
  • FIN 3220前提条件
  • 老师允许


  • 一封表明你对这门课感兴趣的信
  • 包括FIN和ACC已完成和注册课程的简历
  • 与g#的非正式文字记录
  • 联系信息,包括电子邮件和电话号码

通过邮件发给Pratik Kothari教授. 被录取的学生将收到电子邮件通知.



学生s learn security analysis techniques and investment approaches used by professional investors by studying:

  • 个人股票
  • 股票市场指数
  • 固定收益证券
  • 货币
  • 大宗商品
  • 期货
  • 外汇汇率

Each 学生 Portfolio Manager is assigned to a sector in to identify businesses with a stable or growing, 长期收入趋势. Managers are looking for sound fundamentals and growth potential not fully recognized by the market.

借助彭博终端, managers apply filters consistent with value investing to reduce the number securities. 一些过滤器包括:大中型市值, 低市盈率, 保守的债务结构, 低市净率, 利润率和净资产收益率较高或正在增加, 相对较低的分析师覆盖率.

The Fund manages a broadly diversified portfolio of equity securities by monitoring market value relative to its respective intrinsic values. The Fund seeks to obtain the highest possible total return consistent with risk characteristics similar to its benchmark, 的年代&P 500.

本基金投资于在纽约证券交易所、美国证券交易所和纳斯达克交易的普通股. 一种证券从主要交易所摘牌, 它不需要立即出售, 但是,不得再购买股份. The Fund does engage in the purchase or sale of options, 期货 or any other derivative.

建议正式提交给班级顾问委员会. 董事会, made up of investment professionals from Kresge and other Detroit-area companies, 作为一个听取意见的人来回顾, 挑战并调整学生推荐的作品集.

这是Pratik Kothari教授

通过FIN 4360,管理投资基金课程. Pratik Kothari是奥克兰学生投资管理团队的负责人. Dr. Pratik Kothari recently joined the faculty at the 365英国上市官网 and brings over four years of experience in investment management, 估值, 和咨询. 最近, 他在纽约的基石研究公司工作, where he conducted economic and financial analysis for major financial litigations and regulatory proceedings related to market manipulation.

他专门从事投资, 绩效评估, 资产定价, 金融市场, 大数据分析. 他曾在主要学术和行业会议上发表过他的研究成果, 他的论文发表在主要金融学术期刊上.

Dr. Kothari holds an undergraduate degree from the 印度n Institute of Technology in Roorkee, 获得了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的金融硕士学位, 和Ph值.D. 来自密苏里大学.

Dr. 创始人Ranadeb Chaudhuri

通过他的教学和研究, 365英国上市官网金融学教授Ranadeb Chaudhuri说, 博士学位, 对他的学生产生了不可磨灭的影响, 同事和复杂的金融世界.

Ranadeb Chaudhuri的头像

Since joining the faculty of 工商管理学院 in 2009, Dr. 乔杜里很快就开辟了一长串特色菜, 包括投资, 资产定价, 企业融资, 金融市场与投资.

他在重要会议上发表过论文, including the 2013 金融 Down Under: Building on the Best from the Cellars of 金融 conference at the University of Melbourne in Australia. The conference accepts just 20 papers from a field of 300 applicants each year. Dr. 乔杜里提出了“博士学位有什么不同”.D. 使:超过三个小字母,” a study he completed with colleagues Zoran Ivković from Michigan State University, 来自伊利诺伊大学的Joshua Pollet说, 和Charles Trzcinka, 来自印第安纳大学. The paper examines the way academic qualifications of money managers affect the money management industry. The paper also received the 2013 Talk of the Town Paper award at the conference, 这是授予大会上最具“轰动价值”论文的荣誉.

Dr. Chaudhuri holds undergraduate and master’s degree in mathematics from the 印度n Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, 印度, 并获得普渡大学计算金融硕士学位. 他获得了博士学位.D. 从密歇根州立大学金融学毕业


Experts from top-level finance and investment companies will 作为一个听取意见的人来回顾, 挑战并调整班级的投资组合建议. Advisory board members will also supplement the class curriculum by serving as guest lecturers and sharing their personal experiences in the asset management profession.

  • Brian Edgar,瑞银金融服务投资高级副总裁
  • 冯尚恩,克雷斯基基金会投资办公室主任
  • John Lesser, Plante Moran财务顾问公司总裁
  • Chris Liparoto, senior VP, wealth management, Merrill Lynch Wealth 管理
  • Jason Raznick, Benzinga首席执行官
  • Phil Serra,美林财富管理投资第一副总裁

Kresge Vice President and Chief Investment Officer Rob Manilla said Kresge created the student-management investment fund to bolster a talent pipeline of candidates to fill local investment jobs. Manilla holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from OU and is a member of its Board of Visitors.

“The curriculum and hands-on experience offered in this class will better prepare OU graduates for the job market. 通过让学生接触更广泛的投资角色, we are optimistic that we will be able to retain our locally-trained talent – who typically head to New York City for their first professional experience – to explore and fill the many rewarding job opportunities that exist within metro Detroit’s public, 私营及慈善机构.” ——罗伯·马尼拉

克雷斯基基金会是一个3美元的基金.50亿私人, national foundation based in Detroit that works to expand opportunities in cities across the country through grant making and investing in arts and culture, 教育, 环境, 健康, 人类服务和社区发展. In 2014, the Kresge's Board of Trustees approved 408 awards totaling $242.500万年.

“Our Investment Office’s creativity to attract students to local careers in asset management, and OU’s ingenuity to craft a curriculum that prepares students for real-life opportunities is a great example of how philanthropic capital can support communities.” ——克雷斯基基金会主席 & 首席执行官瑞普·瑞普森

